Establishment of Big Data-based restaurant RFM model and development of sales prediction algorithm
Project Summary
⦁ Built RFM-based customer loyalty analysis model based on reservation database held by TableManager. Restaurants can target marketing based on these analysis results. Through this, restaurant customer re-visit rate and sales increase expectation.
⦁ Development of Restaurant Revenue Forecasting Algorithm Using Multiple Regression Analysis. Providing restaurants with sales index information and information on contributing factors for sales enables scientific restaurant management
Business Model
Revenue Model
Monthly fee, VAN fee, deposit fee, booking agency fee, etc.
Target Customer
All restaurants requiring reservation and customer care
Distribution Channels
B2B sales progress
Overseas Accomplishment
Expected to enter Japan market and Southeast Asian market
Main Achievements
Follow-up Investment
In consultation
Other Achievements
Holding the largest restaurant reservation data in Korea (as of December 1, 2017)