Podo Labs: Hardware development and innovation as well as the LAUNCH program was created after receiving a high volume of requests for our expertise, after our very public successes.
Key Features:
• Product design, marketing, manufacturing, and strategi

Project Summary
Podo Labs is a Silicon Valley and Korean hardware brand with a proven track record of designing and launching original products. Podo Labs has shown a rare ability in bringing multiple innovations to market. This not only reduces risk and multiplies oppor

Business Model

Main Achievements
Year 2017:

• $3.2 million total revenue ($1.8 million YTD)
• $2.2 million raised on Kickstarter (top 1% among creators)
• $2.5 million raised through investments and non-dilutive grants
• Three distinct product lines with shared core technology
Date of Establishment2013-05-20
Date of TIPS Selection2014-05-01