Enhancement of Quality and Production Engineering of Boron Nitride Nanotubes (BNNT)
Project Summary
This project is aiming for the development of engineering technology of boron nitride nanotubes (BNNT) powder for its mass production as well as enhancement of the quality of BNNT such as the purity. To increse the production volume, we developed the module type reactor that can be installed in the conventional furnace system directly. Also, purification technology that can increase the BNNT purity using hydrophobic process directly applicable to both thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers will be developed.
Business Model
At the initial stage of the business, supply of BNNT powder to the R&D purpose generates the main cash flow. As the market for BNNT is increased, we will supply BNNT for the industrial applications. At the mid-stage of the business, BNNT production/distribution and sales will be stabilized. In addition to BNNT raw powder, BNNT based electrical insulating thermal conducting materials will be core products for the 4th Industrial Revolution as a solver for heat problem from various IT and IoT, robots, wearable sensors and devices, electrical vehicles, etc. As BNNT business is growing, we will be a major provider (or leader) for the BNNT based energy harvesting devices and systems. In this regard, we already observed its possibility for use of BNNT as a piezoelectric generator as well as actuators too, and focus our efforts into the development of commercially viable products.
Main Achievements
Currently, produciton of BNNT powder is possible up to 10 g/single batch/day and can be increased twice when more efficient reactor module is available soon. In addition, purification of BNNT powder was achieved up to 90% in mass fraction. As an application R&D, we were able to measure the thermal conductivity of single strand of BNNT with 200 nm diameter, which is 580 W/mK.