Surgical linear Stapler
Vascular access device implantable port, also known as Chemoport
Business Model
● Korea
- Recruitment of sales personnel of medical equipment for surgical use (establishment of separate sales corporation if necessary)
- Promotion and customer discovery through surgical society and human network
- Active approach to existing surgical medical device dealers
● China
- Joint ventures with local medical companies through Chinese branch
Expected to generate rapid sales by utilizing local manufacturing facilities, manufacturing licenses, and sales networks
It is advantageous in terms of licensing, rights protection, etc.
We also use local companies for outsourcing of parts for domestic market (low-priced general-purpose parts are produced in China)
Main Achievements
2015.04: Founding of MEDITULIP Co., Ltd.
2015.09: Selected as TIPS Program, Verified as venture company
2016.07: Signed a KRW 170 billion investment agreement with Chungcheongbuk-do and MEDITULIP and 6 other medical ventures.
2016.10: Investment from Korea Venture Investment Company (KRW 1.5 billion)
2016.12: Established MEDITULIP China Branch (Taechang)
2016.12: Approved to move to Osong Advanced Medical Complex (land area 6,107.0m2)
2017.01: Establishment of company affiliated research institute
2917.07: Technical Assurance Fund U-TECH valley business (KRW 2.7 billion guarantee limit, 3 years)