Surgical linear Stapler
Vascular access device implantable port, also known as Chemoport

Project Summary

Business Model
● Korea
- Recruitment of sales personnel of medical equipment for surgical use (establishment of separate sales corporation if necessary)
- Promotion and customer discovery through surgical society and human network
- Active approach to existing surgical medical device dealers

● China
- Joint ventures with local medical companies through Chinese branch
 Expected to generate rapid sales by utilizing local manufacturing facilities, manufacturing licenses, and sales networks
 It is advantageous in terms of licensing, rights protection, etc.
 We also use local companies for outsourcing of parts for domestic market (low-priced general-purpose parts are produced in China)

Main Achievements
2015.04: Founding of MEDITULIP Co., Ltd.
2015.09: Selected as TIPS Program, Verified as venture company
2016.07: Signed a KRW 170 billion investment agreement with Chungcheongbuk-do and MEDITULIP and 6 other medical ventures.
2016.10: Investment from Korea Venture Investment Company (KRW 1.5 billion)
2016.12: Established MEDITULIP China Branch (Taechang)
2016.12: Approved to move to Osong Advanced Medical Complex (land area 6,107.0m2)
2017.01: Establishment of company affiliated research institute
2917.07: Technical Assurance Fund U-TECH valley business (KRW 2.7 billion guarantee limit, 3 years)