Development of commercializing technology for nano-fabrication using nPBD module.

Project Summary
NPICS Inc. targeting to become the “World's Best Cleaning Company“, has developed unique technologies in cleaning devices for the past 20 years. NPICS offers products equipped with particle beam technique for removing various types of contaminants in all size range from visible to nanometer. NPICS is the first and the only company that succeeded in removing 10nm contaminants. NPICS will strengthen the world's top level of cleaning technology and continuously diversify the product portfolio.

Business Model
- Revenue Model : nPBD module & system cleaner.
- Target Customer : Company of semiconductor & display & electrical/electronic & bio/medical.
- Distribution Channels : Major company.
- Key Performances : The first and the only company that succeeded in removing 10nm contaminants using unique dry-process.
- Overseas Accomplishment : USA, CHINA, JAPAN (in preparation).

Main Achievements
- Follow-up Investment : In attracting investment
- Dissertations or IP : Numerous paper(SCI) & IP
- EXIT : M&A & IPO
Date of Establishment2013-08-19
Date of TIPS Selection2015-06-18