Virtual Reality for the Treatment of Visual and Cognitive Impairments

Project Summary
⦁ To develop VR contents incorporating visual perceptual learning and navigation for the treatment of visual field defects which have no effective therapies in the world.

⦁ To conduct randomized controlled trials to prove the efficacy and safety of VR contents in patients with visual and cognitive impairments and to enter the process of Korea MFDS certification.

Business Model
Revenue Model
: Marketing for patients and clinics/hospitals

Target Customer
: Patients with visual and cognitive impairments, Clinics/Hospitals

Distribution Channels
: Android/iPhone/Facebook market, Patients community, Neurology/Rehabilitation/Ophthalmology conference, International conference, Bio Korea, Bio USA, Bio Europe

Main Achievements
Date of Establishment2017-11-30
Date of TIPS Selection2017-12-21