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Cldi aims to be top visual recognition startup

by 팁스관리자 TIPS STORY 2015.01.18



Cldi is a startup that uses image recognition technology and machine learning to make visual browsing easier for users. Visual recognition technology, simply put, enables computers to recognize images and identify objects in such images.

Some users may already be familiar with this technology, which is used in uploading photos in some social networking sites. Facebook, for instance, has a facial recognition feature that identifies faces in uploaded pictures and provides users the option to tag them. Facebook’s, Google’s Pitt Pat and Apple’s iPhoto uses this feature too.


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클디는 Deep-learning 기반의 인식 알고리즘으로 기존의 shallow-learning보다 빠르고 정확한 인식성능을 구현하여, 웹상의 수많은 상품 이미지 또는 개인의 사진들을 의미 기반으로 분석해 사용자로 하여금 원하는 상품이나 이미지를 빠...

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